The Importance of Home Inspection Services in Real Estate Transactions

Home inspections are a critical component of New York real estate, whether it’s an historic home in need of restoration or a modern condo that needs to be up-to-code. Both buyers and sellers appreciate the value of a thorough inspection that delves beyond the surface, facilitating informed decisions, transparency and successful property transactions.

The home inspector can find all sorts of things that need to be addressed, from major structural issues like foundation problems and a roof on the verge of caving in, to minor ones such as electrical problems and water leaks. In some cases, a major problem can even make the property uninsurable — a potential deal-breaker that could prevent the sale from going through. In such a scenario, the buyer has options:

First, they can ask for a lower price or renegotiate with the seller to have the repairs made prior to closing. They can also request a credit towards the purchase or ask that professional professionals be contracted to complete the work. Alternatively, the buyers can walk away from the deal altogether.

During a home inspection services, the inspector will look at the house’s exterior, including examining roofs and gutters and checking for encroachments on neighbors’ properties. Inside, they will examine the attic and basement and check the plumbing, heating and air conditioning systems. The inspector will also check appliances, such as ovens and washing machines, for signs of leaks and damage.

Bathrooms are a high-risk area for serious water damage, and the inspector will carefully scrutinize each to ensure that sinks, toilets and showers work properly. They will test for water leaking and note any evidence of previous leaks, such as suspicious cracks or discoloration. They will also look at vents, check that the HVAC system is working and check if the hot water heater works.

An inspector cannot move items or enter a crawl space. If they notice a potential problem, such as water damage or a sagging foundation, they may recommend a specialist to perform a more in-depth inspection. They can also recommend specialized inspections for Radon, termite infestations and lead paint or piping.

A licensed home inspector will be able to provide a clear, concise report with detailed pictures of the problem. They should also be available to answer questions and concerns. In addition, you should be able to trust them with any confidential information. Make sure your inspector has credentials, such as being a member of InterNACHI. That way, you know that they follow high standards of practice. You should also ask for references and read reviews online. If possible, choose a highly-rated home inspector with years of experience. You can also ask your real estate agent to recommend a good inspector. You can also search for “home inspector near me” to get a list of local choices. Make sure to hire an experienced, licensed home inspector who follows a rigorous code of ethics. Good luck!